Wednesday, April 07, 2010


afkomst kirgizstan
voormalige sovjetrepubliek

it would be reasonable though
if u.s. military based in kyrgyzstan
were brought to account for
their illegal actions in accordance
with kyrgyzstan’s laws

centraal-azië hoofdstad bisjkek
grens met oezbekistan kazachstan china
en tadjikistan ethnische mix van moslims
en minderheid van orthodoxe russen

the constitution is the result of an agreement
between the various political powers
in the country the new constitution
is the result of the level-headedness
and wisdom of the kyrgyz people

waar askar akajev en dan
koermanbek bakijev en feliks kulov
met forse hand regeren

of course if contradictions between the legislature
and the executive continue what will i have left
to do i cannot watch such an orgy
if there is an attempt to seize the white house
the seat of government then it will be all
the tougher for them very though

waar oppositieleider azimbek beknazarov
monddood werd gemaakt

the political detention of a kyrgyz opposition parliamentarian mr azimbek beknazarov has taken a turn for the worse with reports of him being brutally beaten while in prison hundreds of kyrgyz people are continuing their weeks long hunger strike over his treatment at least one has already died in this protest they claim beknazarov was arrested because he questioned the government's deals to hand over large tracts of kyrgyz land to china and kazakhstan this is a crucial test for the future of democracy rule of law and human rights in kyrgyzstan we are forwarding you an appeal from the world organisation against torture for your action

there are no losers here
torture ill-treatment political detention

gemoedstoestand kirgizstan
deportatie imminent

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BATMA said,

Oprechte solidariteit met de mensen in Kyrgyzstan!
Dat de Kirgiezen 'hun' vrijheid mogen winnen!!!
El pueblo unido jámas sera vencido!!!
Groeten van solidariteit vanuit Buenos Aires,
Marcel Van Impe